Tuesday, December 1, 2009

thinking as a form of doing.

umbrellas, trees birds the full moon the sensation of clouds easing through my pelvis....images...trying....trying....to find images, forms and lines...what is so difficult about just sitting down and doing... there needs to be the in between, the living of the inspiration...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fire on the other side of the road and everyone is o k. but its got me thinking about the couch. When faced with the idea of what would you take, and all that comes to mind is the people and the cat....why is my couch so important? And my art that matches the couch and the new lunchbox and the and the and the and the....

Who am I when I am not making something?

Monday, August 24, 2009


Or, How to dress when calling on the neighbors.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


in spire
i just noticed the quiet.....crickets cicadas the stars nested in a black sky. Funny i cant see them from this vantage point but i can hear them. likewise i hear the absence of giggling ,I am resisting sleep with all my mind, noises.
i can feel the night sky inside my chest expanding that daily small place to its rightful largeness.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

fiber arts

needle/wet felt purse...small

cat/animal dolls

inverse image wet felt

display squares- hanging from sticks


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

thinking about fiber arts class

each child- creating a project, drawing/writing out the steps/pattern. gathering materials and go...-

we supply-

felting with-negative space, contrasting colors, inverse images, purses, books , dolls, creatures, animals, bookmarks, book covers, pot holders, embroidery, sewing, needle felting...

needles, felting, embroidery, sewing, knitting.... wool, material, thread, yarn, glue, paper....

how to's and creative problem solving, demonstating techniques

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


layered, watered, walked on, rubbed, rolled, pounded, thrown.... washed, pounded, thrown, walked on, boiled, squished...

and after it had been put out to dry....

It was a rug.
And a lesson.

A lesson in wool, in quilting batts and bags of wool from many different sheep. wool of different lengths and quality's. wool that will pill for the rest of its life. this rug, the rug that took a year of my creative life, the rug i hauled halfway up the stairs soaking wet just to throw it down, the rug of walks in the forest collecting lichens, the rug of so many walnut hulls they were moldy before i finished making dye from them,this rug, the rug that was to be art that matched my couch, lives in my garage now.

Monday, March 30, 2009

hmmm, what is all of this about?

writing and ... not actualy creating something i can hold and touch....