Friday, January 31, 2014


Weaving and unweaving, a retrograde phenomenon. 

I want to call it jazz...because it is the sound that is carrying me along , the rythym of the shuttles, only two...for now.  If I name it is it art?

The diamonds are compelling, something about, slowing down feeling compelled to weave for the moment , not needing to know where it is going....a slow walk through a damp forest.  And yet I have such a formed idea of where I am... Just not where it is going...

Maybe it's the jazz....

It's been a week of walking past with a glance, not even wanting to sit down, and then here am I... Pausing so soon.

But it is the quiet time in the house with no real walls. And I am wondering how much I will weave and unweave. None of it quiet the clanging and banging of wood metal and string....

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The pace of it all

Suspect threads... Learning to care to be fussy,  moving a thread over here and there. Weaving an inch over and over...the shuttle passes through the weft but the waving has not truly begun. Threads must be uncrossed holes filled, relatively few for 500 plus threads. Food made dishes washed, dance class groceries. Moments of non activity.  So I am marking the pace of things, a late night slowly untangling, a day or two of working eating sleeping, another burst of warping...stepping away and witnessing the suspect thread the one that refuses to stand in line with the others, and the shed ... A large open space filled with possibilities.

Almost ready to weave!.....but I know sleep is important too...

Monday, January 20, 2014

It ended up rather green...

4 yards  off the warping frame.  Finally a good place .

And through the reed

2 epd 20 inches across, 12 dpi.

Ready for  2 or 4 harnesses....
Holes made today for two poles.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Small movements


130 threads during dance class...
As many more to come.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

To do list

Grey and purple warp?

4yards ? Wrap with sleeves


Crazy warp

Another funky felt with wool warp

Friday, January 3, 2014

mid December to New Year's Day 2014

V started it. It began with stripes...I followed, letting the colors and distinct pattern, "five red then five orange then five yellow,  ok you got it?" ...Lead me... 

It I was new terrain for my part, 
almost patterned. 

The warp undone, let down, free from its loom, made anew into something... good

The end of a long warp the beginning of a new year.